Wednesday 29 February 2012

Red Cabbage Sauerkraut Recipe

Okay,  so  a lot of us have digestive problems. In fact when we eat raw vegetables we get a lot of wind which can be quite painful.
There is a good reason for this.  Our digestive systems weren't made to digest a lot of carbohydrate matter. Carbs are all made up of cellulose.  

To eat vegetables we need to cook them or we need to eat naturally fermented sauerkraut.  The beautiful thing is the cellulose in the vegetable has now been broken down and it doesn't take the intestines to create fungus (candida) to process the cellulose.  Hence we are not aiding candida overgrowth or abetting leaky gut.  
So hurray for red cabbage Sauerkrau! It is nice and crunchy, it has a little bit of vitamin K2 from the natural bacteria that is created in the process, lots of vitamins and all those phytonutrients and polyphenols.

 It's really tasty particularly with fish or any meat. You can heat it slightly for winter or eat is cold for summer.

I eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner at the moment.  I can't keep making enough for mine and Ian's demand! 

More on Red Cabbage
Red cabbage contains anthocyanins - red and blue pigments - that protect the brain. It may also have beneficial effects to your stomach, as the stability of the anthocyanins in the product may stimulate gastrointestinal digestion. Acylated anthocyanins from red cabbage acts preventatively against the oxidative stress in vivo. Cruciferous vegetables, of which red cabbage is one, are also known to help reduce homocysteine levels.
Acylated anthocyanins are well known to be more antioxidant than non acylated anthocyanins. In addition, antioxidant measurements showed a better antioxidant capacity than grape polyphenols with lipid peroxidation of beta-carotene.

Cabbage is also a cruciferous vegetables . Cruciferous veges contain sulforaphane glucosinolate  a highly reactive antioxidant. In extensive studies, sulforaphane has been demonstrated to be a potent inducer of detoxifying enzymes and protector of our DNA.

After all that, the red cabbage sauerkraut recipe
Pick a nice fresh cabbage

  1. Weigh the cabbage.
  2. Calculate and measure your Celtic salt.  You will need about 15grams  for every kilo of cabbage.  (It's not that critical).
  3. Shred one whole red cabbage.  (Try to pick a juicy one as it creates more liquid).
  4. Layer the cabbage in a large bowl with the salt.
  5. Cover the bowl with a wet tea towel and leave overnight.  This will start to draw the water out.
  6. The next day scrunch the cabbage with your hands.  Really knead it for about 10 minutes. (Some people do this with their feet).  It would be good to have rubber gloves for the feet!
  7.  Use a 5 litre plastic bucket or a sauerkraut crock if you have one and put the cabbage into the bucket pushing down the layers down as you go.
  8.  If there is not enough liquid at the end of this process to cover the cabbage then make a little salted water to cover the cabbage.
  9.  Put a plate over the cabbage.  You may need to go to the local Op Shop to find one that fits.
 10. Place a heavy weight on top of the plate like a stone mortar from your pestle and mortar  set.  Wash it well first.
11.  Put a wet tea towel over the top of the bucket and refresh with more water daily.
12. Leave for 3 to 4 weeks depending on the temperature of your climate.  It will start making some foam and making strange sounds as it ferments.  This is great!
13.  When you take off the plate and smell the sauerkraut it should smell sour but not off.  It it's off throw it out.  When you taste it it should taste nice and sour.  This is the Lactobacillus culture.
14.  Put it into glass bottles and put into the fridge.
15   Start making another batch.

You can add some fresh dill, ginger, seaweed or caraway if you want.

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