Friday, 20 January 2012

Metabolic Syndrome: Why We Ge Toot Fat and Too Thin

Firstly we need to know what Metabolic Syndrome is-
It is a condition that occurs when the body had been fed too many carbohydrates for too long.  The only way the body can respond to too much carbohydrates is to produce more insulin.  Insulin is responsible for storing carbs we eat in our fatty tissue.   Too much insulin and the body just goes about storing almost all our carbohydrate foods in the fat tissue leaving you with no calories to get on with living.
So we become hungry very soon after eating. Our body is asking for more energy to keep going. Unfortunately so many of us will probably choose high energy food (carbs) to eat and unfortunately much of this will be stored again as fat.

Normally, when there is no excess of insulin in the blood, another hormone is available to access the energy in our fat tissue, but when there is a constant high level of insulin circulating in the blood from our high carbohydrate eating, this hormone isn't able to do its job.  Now we again will have to eat because the body can't access the fatty tissue energy we have stored.

And so we just keep getting fatter.
And then we get told we are fat because we eat too much and we are lazy.  This is just not the truth!
And so the vicious cycle continues unless......
There is only one way out of this cycle.  Eat the foods we are meant to eat to give us energy but will not raise the insulin levels in the blood.

Eating good fat gives energy and does not affect insulin levels at all. 

 Proteins will also raise the insulin levels in the a blood but not nearly to the extent the carbs do.

Fats get used as energy and what is not used will be stored for energy in the future, BUT they will be readily accessible for use as we will not have a high insulin level preventing their use providing we greatly reduce our consumption of carbs
So we won't get hungry like we do on carbs because we will have access to that stored fat in the fatty tissue and we so will have the energy we need for living.
Our body won't signal it needs more food as it is happily using its stores!

I have simplified this quite a lot but it's basically how it works and I hope gives a good picture of why we need to give up carb eating.
So many problems will ensue from Metabolic Syndrome
It’s well-known that constant high insulin levels can precede the development of Diabetes type 2 for as long as ten years. It is during this time that many of the complications associated with diabetes – nerve damage, retinal changes, and early signs of kidney deterioration, obesity, high triglyceride levels, fatty liver, high blood pressure – begin to develop.
With Diabetes type 2, our pancreas (which secretes the insulin) finally gets exhausted and can no longer secrete insulin.  This will cause us to have a constantly high blood glucose (sugar) level and the only answer from the medical community is to be medicated with insulin.
Now of course if we start to eat low carb, high fat so our body doesn't have to produce insulin to the degree it had to, we can eventually start to heal our Pancreas so it can start producing insulin again. 
"I am thin, I can't have Metabolic syndrome can I?"
Short answer is yes, and we can get Diabetes type 2 also, although it is very under diagnosed in thin people as they have not been seen as potential candidates.
It is just as important  for lean people to maintain low levels of insulin in their blood as it is for the overweight and obese.
Metabolic syndrome works in thin people by depositing carbs almost exclusively into the muscle tissue.  In metabolic syndrome with overweight people the carbs are deposited almost exclusively into the fatty tissue as the muscle tissue has become unable to take up carbs..
When the carbs are deposited into the muscle tissue it gives us a great deal of energy.   The energy in the muscle tissue is accessible and the body virtually forces the thin person with metabolic syndrome to use it.  Hence the result,  little fat accumulation and plenty of energy, BUT.. the thin person will not be able to put on weight to matter how hard she tries. 
The thin person who eats a lot of carbs will still have a lot of insulin circulating in the blood.  The excess insulin is still doing its damage and the same ill health will occur.
Later in life as the muscle tissue also becomes unable to receive the carbs, thin people will slow down as the energy is no longer available from their muscle tissue. 
The thin person will need to start eating the same as the obese person, a low carb, high fat diet.  With this diet thin people have had success in gaining weight and becoming well.

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